Monetize all your coaching and wellness services

Offer your customers comprehensive support and sell them additional content: sports programs, nutritional plans, access to courses and individual appointments. Easily track transactions with an integrated payment system.

Easily monetize all your services and boost your revenues

Drive business growth with our integrated monetization features

Sell your sports programs and video courses

Create training programs for objectives such as mass gain, weight loss or endurance. Enrich your offer with video classes: cross-training, body combat, zumba, etc., as well as exclusive access to Lives.

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Sell your meal plans and nutritional accompaniments

Offer nutritional diets for objectives such as mass gain, weight loss or toning. Enrich your offer by offering personal consultations in your practice or remotely.

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Monetize your expertise with live events

Sell exclusive access to live sports sessions, in-depth fitness assessments and wellness training. Complement your offer and your income with Lives.

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Simplify payment management via the back office

Automate every payment, while maintaining a complete and detailed transaction history. Keep an eye on your company's financial health and act accordingly.

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